Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
10/7/2021 - 5:30 PM  
5. Report with Possible Action Regarding an Equity Workgroup  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Goal 2
Student, Family and Community Engagement
Admin Policy 8.10 - School Admissions  
Resolution 2122R-004  
File Attachment:
Resolution 2122R-004.pdf
At its May 2021 meeting, the Board referred Resolution 2122R-004 by Director Peterson to create an equity workgroup regarding enrollment to the Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation.

At its June 2021 meeting, the Board adopted the resolution as attached. In alignment with the Board's action, the Administration is providing its first report on the composition of the workgroup and its initial meeting.

The initial meeting of the Equity Workgroup included the principals of Rufus King International School, Milwaukee School of Languages, Vincent High School, Milwaukee High School of the Arts, Riverside University High School, and Reagan High School, as well as the regional superintendent for the high school region, senior director of student services, director of research, assessment and data, regional manager of specialized services, manager of assessment, and data, manager of student services, and manager of enrollment services.

Discussion at the first meeting centered on the current Early Admissions process, starting with the strengths and areas for improvement related to the current practice.

Areas of Strength:
• Collaboration between schools and central services
• Consistent process
• Parents submit one application for all schools
• Writing assessment conducted to allow equitable access to all students

Areas for Improvement:
• Families have an all or nothing approach if they don't
get into a particular school
• Resources expended disproportionate to enrollment
• Select criteria schools get filled; non-select criteria
schools considered for remaining students
• Streamline application process

There was discussion regarding additional factors currently not part of the process:
1. Consideration for students of MPS employees
2. Select criteria school requirements
3. Customizing criteria to the school
4. Providing schools with more student data
5. Utilizing feeder programs for high schools
6. Consistency in ensuring students from all schools
are able to participate in the process
7. Optimizing the number of families applying

The Equity Workgroup is currently recruiting parents and students from schools with entrance requirements and schools without entrance requirements. Schools have been asked to identify parents and students interested in joining the Equity Workgroup to participate in future discussions surrounding the Early Admissions process. Staff members being considered may include but are not limited to teachers with children at criteria schools, teachers who may have enrolled their children in other school districts, school counselors working with families, and potential families with students in grade 7.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Katrice Cotton, Ed.D. - Chief School Administration Officer
Signed By:  
Jennifer Mims Howell - Chief Academic Officer
Signed By:  
Keith Posley, Ed.D. - Superintendent