Meeting Date:
2. Action on Resolution 2324R-006 Menstrual Equity in Schools |
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
File Attachment:
At its December 21, 2023 meeting, the Board referred Resolution 2324R-006 by Director Zombor and Director Gokalgandhi to the Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation, which directs the Administration to create a menstrual equity pilot within the Milwaukee Public Schools. The initial workgroup who met with Director Zombor included representatives from the Office of Academics and the Office of Finance. Discussion at the first meeting centered on how Milwaukee Public Schools currently supports students in reproductive education and with menstrual supplies. |
Fiscal Impact Statement:
This item will require menstrual supplies be purchased for distrubution to students. Administration is actively looking for grants to cover the cost of the pilot. The pilot will be held at one high school with roughly 220 9th through 12th grade students. Total estimated cost for the pilot is $24,000 for one school year. |
Implementation and Assessment Plan: |
Upon approval of this item the resolution will be implemented as directed when funding is secured. |
The Administration recommends that the Board adopt Resolution 2324R-006 by Director Zombor and Director Gokalgandhi with the recommended revisions, as attached. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Jennifer Mims Howell - Chief Academic Officer |
Signed By: |
Keith Posley, Ed.D. - Superintendent |